Friday, April 1, 2011

Running Mania...More Like Scheduling Mania

Busy.  That is the word to best describe my life at the moment.  I have a lot I want to do and not a whole bunch of time to do it.

Training properly for GFNY is one of those things I want to do but struggle to find time for.  Maybe it’s a lack of motivation.  I’ve managed to squeeze 3 bike sessions in so far this week, 2 of them being outdoors and the other on the rollers since Mother Nature decided to toy with us some more.  It’s tough to squeeze in rides on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the short time between work and class, but I seem to be able to get a 45 minute ride in without an issue.  My other problem is my required rotations.  I’m also committed to completely 75 hours of ambulance ride time done over 12 hour shifts on my weekends and that’s obviously a large chunk of potential training time.  Luckily I have already knocked off 3 of these shifts and have 3 more to go.  I’ll have them all done long before GFNY thankfully.  Pile this on top of class time, and trying to spend some QT with the GF and time is tight.  My cat is even complaining.

The biggest issue I have with these shifts is the prolonged affect it has on my body.  I don’t have an issue with a 12 hour shift, but the inability to eat and drink like I normally would and leads to me being dehydrated and malnourished come the end of the shift so I have zero motivation to exercise when I get home and the next day tends to be a little rough.  I have a shift this Saturday but I went ahead and signed up for the GFNY Group Training ride Sunday morning.  We’ll be covering about 50 miles, which will be the longest I have ridden to date.  It’s going to be challenging for sure.

My legs feel pretty wrecked at the moment.  I did Revolver on the rollers last night and couldn’t max out my HR.  I am trying to decide if this is because my legs are tired or because the rollers are just not giving me enough resistance now that I am riding outside more.  I’m going to assume the later, but I am also a bit tired so it could be a bit of both.  Hopefully I have some spunk in my legs come Sunday morning.  I hope it’s a productive ride for me…I don’t take a trip to Jersey lightly.

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