To make a long year very short: I suffered from shinsplints for the majority of my training for my first marathon. I managed to run it, it hurt and I finished in 4:02:01. I took a few weeks off to recover, I visited a podiatrist, spent a lot of money on orthotics and started slowly picking up my running in June in Nike Frees. I started training for the Steamtown Marathon in July, ran an 8 race summer series of of short races 4k-10k and managed to run healthy until the beginning of September. I suffered a non-traumatic ankle injury, that recurred and shut me down for almost 3 weeks and with the marathon on the 2nd Sunday of October I had no time to recoup and prepare.
I laid off until the ankle was behaving again, and then threw my efforts into a 30/30 challenge. I ran 30 times in 30 days for at least 30 minutes. I also started to incorporate runs in my new Vibram FiveFingers for 5-10 minutes at the tail end of my runs. I managed 26 runs within 30 days. My legs felt good.
I ran two more races before the end of the year, a 5 mile Turkey Trot and a 5 mile Snowball Run where I placed 2nd in my Age Group. I took the majority of December off, enjoyed a few weeks of gluttony and picked things back up on New Years day in Boston with another 30/30 challenge. I managed 27 runs through the month, including 2 5k races and came out feeling good again. Another short week off and I started to train for my 2nd LI Marathon. Training went well through February and going into March things were great as well. I embarked on a 6 mile tempo and felt a pull. I was 1.5 miles from home, no cell phone, and it was dropping into the 30s. I slowly jogged home. I immediately started icing, started Advil and hoped for the best. I ended up taking a week off, I tried again and the pain returned. I sought therapy, took off another week and tried again. 3 runs in and the pain returned. I continued PT during 2 weeks off and managed to ease back into my running. I had switched to the half-marathon instead of the full due to the lack of long runs.
I'm back to icing and taking Advil. I'm also wearing my Strassburg Sock and using The Stick to loosen things up. I'm going to lay off of running until at least the weekend and see how its feeling.
Such a bummer to be facing these setbacks again.
I've been following all of this piece by piece but it's nice to have a consolidated recap. You'll get through this and soon you'll be able to work on a new injury. :) But seriously, you'll get through this...
ReplyDeleteBtw, there's something going on with your Twitter thingie -- it keeps asking me to authenticate for your twitter account. Me thinks you need to insert some credentials behind the scenes.