Monday, March 2, 2009

Another day, another run, another challenge

Well with every new run comes another new pain. The newest pain is now in my right calf, on the outside, just behind my tibia. I was doing great in my run on Sunday. I was about 7 miles in and the pain started. I'd done some decent running that day. It was cold and blustery, a lot of the run was into the wind and I had a few decent hills to climb. I kept my pace controlled (or so I thought....i really need a nice GPS/HRM) at around 8:30 min/mi. Whether that's accurate or not is up to my the Distance program on my iphone, which I am not totally sure kept counting after the program fell asleep (despite the fact that it shouldn't fall asleep).

Anyways, this injury is probably more a result of me choosing a bad route than a recurring problem. I chose to go down a very very steep hill. Steep like 10% they close it when it rains in the fall because the leaves make it too slippery to climb. so...stupid of me. I didn't go with the hill partly for fear of being hit by a car coming up the hill at 60 mph and partly cause i didn't want to fall on my ass. Anyways, I got down the hill and ran maybe another .5 miles and the pain started. Eventually I could not press off the outside of my right foot and it turned into a slow painful shuffle home.

Oh yeah...the last .25 miles of my run ended with an uphill section.....OUCHHHHHH!


3 1 mile repeats on Wednesday. Hope I'm ready.

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